Monday, 3 August 2015

Interactive Design for Web Technology (Programme Learning Outcome and Objective)

On completion of this programme, students should be able to acquire the following programme outcome:

  1. KNOWLEDGE SKILLS - Artistic and Design Perception Component.
  2. PRACTICAL SKILLS - Student will understand how practical skill development affect their employability.
  3. INTERPERSONAL SKILLS -  Student will understand key concept on group dynamics, confilct resolution and negotiation.
  4. IMPORTANCE OF ETHICS - Student will understand proper ethic in the design practice.
  5. COMMUNICATION SKILLS - Student will understand principles if effective communication.
  6. THINKING THE PROBLEM-SOLVING SKILLS - Student exhibit critical and creative thinking, skill logical reasoning and problem solving.
  7. TECHNOLOGY LITERACY - Student will understand and adapt to changing technology by identifying, learning and applying new skill to improve job performance.
  8. EMPLOYMENT LITERACY - Student will understand career paths and strategies for obtaining employment within their chosen field.

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