Critical Thinking help us to think deeply and think harder in order to help us generate ideas. It is more of a practice for us to overcome this problem when we are designers Because designers need to always come out with a new idea and will reach at some point where there will be some difficulties in generating ideas. From the last 7 week, I've learned a lot from this class.
The first week of the class I need to use my imagination to think what I can draw with from a Ice Lemon Tea bottle. This task help think deeply on how i can connect the bottle with the drawing.Other than that, I also learn how to make my own typography. To design typography, we need to really understand the structure of the typo because every structure of a typography has its own meaning. Such as colour, typeface, curves.
Besides that, I also learned how to express word. We were ask to express our personalities using words.
We need to use software and create a suitable typeface for the words that we chose.The using of colour also important in this task.
Lastly, from this subject I also learned how to interpret the sound that
we heard to the word.I learned that there are other ways to know where we are than just looking at signboard. Besides that, from this task I also learned that everything around us can help us producing ideas.
As conclusion, Critical Thinking is very useful for me to solve problem and it is very useful for my other subject as well.
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