Monday, 15 August 2016

Code of Ethics

Code of ethics are voluntary statements that commit organizations, industries, or professions to specific beliefs, values, and actions and/or that set out appropriate ethical behavior for employees.

There are four main type of ethical codes:-

  1. Organizational or corporate codes of ethics- these are specific to a single organization. Basically these codes seek to identify and encourage ethical behaviour at the level of the individual organization.
  2. Professional Codes of Ethics – Traditional professional groups such as doctors, lawyers and accountant have their own guidelines for their members. However this is increasingly common for other professions such as marketing or engineers to have their own conduct.
  3. Industry Code of Ethics- particular industries also sometimes have their own codes of ethics. For example, in 2005 the electronic industry released its code of conduct to ensure the working environment is safe to work, workers are treated with respect and dignity and the manufacturing process are environmentally responsible. This code was developed by a number companies together including Dell, Hewlett, IBM.
  4. Programme or Group codes of ethics:- This are code of ethics established by certain programmers, or other sub-grouping of organization participating in specific programmers. For example the usage of a certain label or trademark.

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