Thursday, 12 January 2017


First of all, create lot of newspaper sticks by rolling the newspaper. The newspaper sticks need to be small because if the roll is big, it will be too flexible and not durable enough.

Next is to weave the newspaper stick to give some durability for the shelf and connecting the each part of the shelf.

After that is to apply PVA glue on the surface of the shelf. An image after applying PVA glue:

Then, need to colour and clear spray the shelf for texture and the durability aspect.

This is the final outcome of the project:

Material & Ideation


The material that was selected for this project was newspaper. As the material is very flexible in shape, it is easy to bend the material. However, it is also a disadvantage because it is not very durable. 


Newspaper is flexible but not durable. Instead of that, the idea is to create a product which is the opposite of that which is creating something that is fixed and durable. The product which was planned on creating is a shelf by webbing the newspapers. The reason is because most of the references for newspaper upcycle product were basket and bowl. In order to create something different, creating a shelf is the idea. Here are some of the examples of newspaper upcycle product:


This project is about creating an upcycle product from waste material such as newspaper, cloth, wood and more. Uncycling is an activity where people can develop something new where they can save budget and space instead of throwing away their waste material. Here are some examples of upcycle product:


Upcycling, also known as creative reuse, is the process of transforming by-products, waste materials, useless, or unwanted products into new materials or products of better quality or for better environmental value.Upcycling is the opposite of downcycling, which is the other half of the recycling  process. Downcycling involves converting materials and products into new materials of lesser quality. Most recycling involves converting or extracting useful materials from a product and creating a different product or material.

Upcycling is the process of converting old or discarded materials into something useful and often beautiful.Upcycling gives an item a better purpose. And while jimmying the lock on your car to is giving that hanger a new purpose, it’s not necessarily better or more beautiful. And the mangled hanger is likely destined for the trash, which is the opposite intent of upcycling.

When you upcycle an item, you aren’t breaking down the materials. You may be refashioning it like cutting a t-shirt into strips of yarn. but it’s still made of the same materials as when you started. Also, the upcycled item is typically better or the same quality as the original.

Final Outcome & Video

After finished with the texturing and the lighting, all that's left is to render the design. This is the final outcome of the design:

This is a short video of the exhibition booth:

Texture, Content & Lighting

Then, start to apply texture on the design. Here are some textures used in the exhibition booth:

Texture of the floor

Texture of the chair

Made some contents for the booth such as posters.

Poster promoting the brand

Poster promoting the product

After that, put some lighting for the booth for it to make it more realistic.

Lighting effect:

Modelling Process

Next is to start modeling the designed in software (3DS Max). Start off by modeling the shape of design such as the floor, the wall and other shapes of the design.

Modelling the design:

Modellling the exercise equipment:

 Modelling the table and chairs: